JS-WEBSTORE is offered as a hosted service which is optimized for your web-store. Participating grocers don’t need any technical knowledge and don’t have to worry about hosting related matters like security certificates, performance, uptime, databases etc. The hosted service ensures a seamless integration with T-POS/BP2K so that online prices and products are in sync with in-store prices.
JS-WEBSTORE is available for a one-time start-up fee of $995 followed by a quarterly fee of $285.
JS-Webstore is available for a one-time start-up fee of $1,895 with a $3 charge per order. These charges would be billed quarterly.
Both options can be reviewed on an annual basis.
The start-up fee includes:
The setup of the branded webstore on a unique subdomain
Click-and-collect model - the integration with JS
The initial product import batch
60 minutes of online training
The first quarter of the hosted store